introduction to the brief

For the brief I have responded by acknowledging the problems within society through the categories in the EYA. I have three problems within the categories of: healthy life, open innovation and active citizenship.

My first problem within healthy life is tackling becoming healthier after being overweight due to lack of exercise and the wrong diet. Food is a main reason for obesity which people have a misunderstanding of what is correct to eat. Many people are not educated on the healthier options which they could eat which are not so different to what they are already eating.

Statement/problem with the topic:

  • What other ways can you motivate people to lose weight?
  • More people need educating on the right foods for their body
  • It is important for society to lower the obesity rates


  • App – enter in favourite junk food snacks the app automatically generates a healthy substitute which you can find in the supermarkets or will send recipe if home baked.
  • You add in a picture of your body and the app shows you what it could look like if you stay on track

Active citizenship:

  • How can the public help the homeless?
  • How can the homeless build themselves back into society again?
  • More than 250,000are homeless in England

  • An app which you can share the location of homeless people with shelters and institutions which can help. Also make donations.

Open innovation:

  • Internet users pay extra for delivery and may return their product and wait 2 weeks for a refund
  • Wait 3-5 days for clothes that may not fit
  • Does it cost more to online shop?


  • An app which you enter in your location of town/city and type in the shop you are trying to find, the app will give you the quickest route to the shop and if the shop is not found, other shops in the area which can offer the same products.
  • A website which allows you to create a realistic avatar of your body by using specific measurements and using an image of you for the head. It allows you to try clothes on online before buying them so you know if they will fit your body correctly according to the measurements you enter.
introduction to the brief