primary research

For my primary research I identified a target audience of females aged between 17-25. This age group of girls is one which I consider to be the most likely to use online shopping the most. Students also I feel, are more likely to shop online due to the big discounts and the ease of not having to go in to a physical shop to find clothing. To conduct my primary research I decided to look at major online clothing companies social media posts, and find customers who have commented on their posts and approach them with my questionnaire. The people I have targeted are direct online shoppers and I felt that the results would be most accurate by asking these people.

I created a questionnaire on google forms, and sent the link to my target audience to fill out. I didn’t want to send it to too many people as the questions had a lot of open answers so I wanted just enough to see a trend.

Analysis of questionnaire results:

What is the reason you shop online for clothes rather than in physical shops?

Nearly all of the answers to this questions suggested that online shopping was convenient and easier and that you get a better choice online.

What is the reason that you may still shop in physical shops/shopping centres rather than online?

The answers to this question suggested that one of the reasons they still go shopping is to try the item on to ensure it fits, and to also know what the quality of the material is like, which you cant do online.

Name a problem with shopping online for clothes.

Most answers to this question mention the fact that sizing is an issue and that the item looks different in person to what it does online. The hassle of delivery was also mentioned in that you have to pay extra for it, and it can take too long.

What are the factors which determine your decision to shop either online or the physical world?

Most of the responses to this question mention the fact that it saves time to shop online, especially for people who are far away from physical shops.

What is your experience in regard to not being able to try clothes on online?

The majority of answers for this question mention the fact that they have had to send items back and re order new sizes which can take a long time to be refunded and you also then have to pay again for delivery.


In conclusion, the answers from my questionnaire make it clear that although online shopping is quicker and easier, it can also me more stressful as you can’t clearly indicate which clothes will suit you or be the quality which you expect them to be. The product I decide to make will solve these issues which will then save shoppers time and money as they will be less likely to return a product as they have already seen it on themselves.

primary research

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